Washburn/Kim Wedding

La Plaza Cultural E 9th St and Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Honeybee Workshop in La Plaza / Meet and Greet our Honeybees!

La Plaza Cultural E 9th St and Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

This will be a great opportunity to glance into our honeybee colony and meet Grai Rice, our beekeeper who owns HoneybeeLives along with her partner Chris. Weather permitting, we will try to watch a short film afterwards.

Honeybee Workshop

La Plaza Cultural E 9th St and Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Meet La Plaza's Honey Bees: An introduction by Grai Rice- Beekeeper Free and open to all!

Sarah Johnson BBQ

La Plaza Cultural E 9th St and Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

La Plaza website is designed by: flowers: Juriel Furukawa, inspired by the artist Rolando Politi; custom wordpress theme by Anselm Dästner;
If you have any photos or stories that you can to contribute to this website, please contact me here
headline font "laPlaza" homegrown by AntsFonts, work in progress