Medicinal Garden Workshop

Free workshop, open to all! Come learn about medicinal herbalism from Flower Power Herbs and Roots apprentices! We will sip tea while exploring the medicinal benefits of herbs growing right here in the LES!

Subterra Music

free musical concert by Public Circuit Band band starts at 6pm contact: Horacio Bena (garden member)  

Sembrando Resistencia – Musical Performance by Kiki and the Fellas’ & Conjunto Los Chachos

Sembrando Resistencia: Los Jardines de Loisaida is a vibrant community event commemorating fortitude, resistance, and resilience in Loisaida manifested through the establishment of neighborhood community gardens. On August 17, the event will feature an open panel discussion at Sala de Pepe (1-3), where local community leaders share insights on the significance of the gardens. Attendees […]

Sembrando Resistencia – Musical Performance by Kiki and the Fellas’ & Conjunto Los Chachos

Sembrando Resistencia: Los Jardines de Loisaida is a vibrant community event commemorating fortitude, resistance, and resilience in Loisaida manifested through the establishment of neighborhood community gardens. On August 17, the event will feature an open panel discussion at Sala de Pepe (1-3), where local community leaders share insights on the significance of the gardens. Attendees can […]

Kid’s birthday party

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

(Meadow/sandbox area -- Sebastian's daughter)

Facing Climate Change: a workshop with Green Thumb

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Face climate despair head-on in these monthly, peer-to-peer meet ups. Meet other community gardeners and land stewards to learn and exchange tips for gardening with climate change and workshop community preparedness in your neighborhood.

Pinc Louds

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

La Plaza website is designed by: flowers: Juriel Furukawa, inspired by the artist Rolando Politi; custom wordpress theme by Anselm Dästner;
If you have any photos or stories that you can to contribute to this website, please contact me here
headline font "laPlaza" homegrown by AntsFonts, work in progress