La Plaza Haunted Adventure Garden & Rat Race Maze

For 365 days a year, rats are the stuff nightmares are made of for New Yorkers. The theme at this year's spooky Halloween adventure garden is Rats, because whether they […]

Halloween Haunted Adventure Garden

Come join La Plaza for a haunted adventure garden! scary fun for all ages. featuring the rat race maze, scary face painting, fortune tellers, death wagon rides, scary puppet acts, […]


Come join the Lower East Side Ecology Side in the great pumpkin smash. Bring your Halloween pumpkins to La Plaza to be smashed and composted.

2nd Annual Poetry Reading

2-5th grade readers+family and guests! D1Cohort Event with PS19 EVCS, Children's Workshop School and PS134 Henrietta School

DEW & EMOTION EP Release Community Event

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Celebrate RillyRil's EP release with a free meditation class, yoga, free food and giveaways, community speakers, live music about healing, a dance class, live painting, movement performances all from youth […]

La Plaza website is designed by: flowers: Juriel Furukawa, inspired by the artist Rolando Politi; custom wordpress theme by Anselm Dästner;
If you have any photos or stories that you can to contribute to this website, please contact me here
headline font "laPlaza" homegrown by AntsFonts, work in progress