2024 Anarchist Bookfair

SATURDAY WORKSHOPS -Bike Repair Class @ La Plaza Community Garden 12:30 pm Learn the basics of how your bicycle works and how to make simple repairs. -Free Medicinal Herbal Workshop @La Plaza Community Garden 2:00 pm during the book fair in plot area near green house. Learn how to heal yourself with plants that you […]

Time’s Up! Bike Mechanic Volunteer Picnic Party

Come support the Time's Up bicycle mechanics who have been doing free bicycle workshops and classes for over 20yrs. Come celebrate these amazing mechanics and continue to support their efforts. There will be food, music and even some bike repair. Starts at 5pm. David Saff will be chaperoning.

Lauren Barnes Wedding Ceremony

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

No alcohol except for a toast, music still undecided. Time also still undecided.

Little Mish’s Kid’s Halloween Party

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Little Mish's Halloween party for children with the option for two different haunted houses. More so, food, beverages, and scary times will be provided.

Pumpkin Smash

La Plaza Community Garden E 9th St & Avenue C, New York, NY, United States

Come bring your Halloween Pumpkins to compost. Event sponsored by Lower East Side Ecology Center.

La Plaza website is designed by: flowers: Juriel Furukawa, inspired by the artist Rolando Politi; custom wordpress theme by Anselm Dästner;
If you have any photos or stories that you can to contribute to this website, please contact me here
headline font "laPlaza" homegrown by AntsFonts, work in progress